Welcome To Ignite Bible College & Seminary
You are steps away from starting an amazing journey towards fulfilling your destiny! Students of Ignite Bible College are world-changers! Called to change the world! Are you a world-changer?
Ignite Bible College was birthed out of a divine unction to call world-changers to a place where they can be taught how to stand on God’s principles, be Spirit-led and relevant without compromising their character and integrity. We are a group of Christ-centered non-conformers. We pride ourselves in God on being free from the need to teach doctrine over discipleship. Rather than promote the traditions of men, at IBC&S, we strive to teach our students how to walk in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free. We believe whole-heartedly that the Holy Spirit is called to guide us in our pursuit of greater educational fulfillment and spiritual revelation. If you believe the same, you’re in the right place. Welcome to Ignite Bible College and Seminary.

Our Vision, Mission and Beliefs

Our mission is to teach world-changers how to rightly divide the word of truth, stand on the principles of the word of God, and use the assistance of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the good news in all the earth.
We accomplish our mission by maintaining strict discipline in instruction, but flexibility in learning. We apply audio and visual aids to support the learning process. Through rigorous courses of study, prayer, reflection and meditation, our students are led to discover the truth of the word of God, and to accurately define their biblical worldview.
We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God; and that it is authorized by God to be used to defend the faith and instruct in daily living.
We also believe in the Baptism of the Holy Ghost
The Sacraments of Baptism and Communion
Speaking in Tongues
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church
Spiritual Gifts
The Five Fold Ministry
And that Jesus came to establish God’s Kingdom here on Earth
Our Instructors carry Doctorate and Masters level education, and have a combined 60 plus years of Pastoral and Ministry related experience.
Academic Courses
Each course of study is designed to increase your knowledge of scripture, understanding of the things of God, how to be led by the Spirit, and how to walk in your Kingdom assignment.
(Click the Icons Below for More Info)

Admissions Requirements
Age Requirement
You must be at least 18 years of age at the time of application submission.
You must submit a sealed official copy of your High School transcripts or GED/HSED equivalent.
Admissions Application
You must complete the Application for Admission to be considered for enrollment.
Pastoral Recommendation
You must submit the completed Pastoral Recommendation Form with your application.
Relevant Experience
You must submit all relevant documents with application package to be considered for credit for prior learning.
Admissions Essay
You must submit a one-page essay on “why you believe Bible College will help you change the world.”
Application Fee
A non-refundable $35 application fee is required at the time of submission. Without the application fee, your package will be considered incomplete.
Download the Admissions Checklist HERE
Ignite Bible College and Seminary 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Secular colleges and universities are typically accredited through regional accreditation bodies. These organizations are approved by the US Department of Education, for the purposes of federal loans and grants. These secular colleges are required to offer general education classes, in addition to a plethora of other requirements, which tend to drive up the cost of education.
If your goal is to grow in your knowledge of scripture, and prepare yourself for a career in ministry, then it’s unnecessary for you to attend a secular college to accomplish that goal. Ignite Bible College and Seminary is a FULLY ACCREDITED member institution of Transworld Accreditation Commission International. This accreditation affords you the opportunity to have your degree accepted at thousands of Houses of Worship and Christian ministries across the globe, and save you thousands on tuition costs.
Ignite Bible College and Seminary 2024. All Rights Reserved.
We’d love to hear from you! Simply complete the contact form below. Be sure to include a brief summary of your specific question(s) and someone from our admissions team will respond to you within 24 hours. Thank you and we look forward to connecting!
Ignite Bible College and Seminary 2024. All Rights Reserved.

We’ve made it easy for you to be a legacy partner of Ignite Bible College and Seminary! If you believe in and support our mission and work, please consider supporting us with a legacy gift of $100, $500, or $1,000. As a legacy partner, you will receive updates on our progress, and be a special guest at our legacy banquet, where we will acknowledge all of our donors.
Whether you give on the legacy level, or if God has laid a different amount on your heart, you can give safely and securely by clicking the give online button below. We appreciate your generosity. To mail your gift, please use the following address:
4200 N Holton Street, Suite 125
Milwaukee, WI 53212
**Please note, that all gifts must be made out to Kingdom Faith Fellowship Church to be considered tax-deductible. If you give online, your electronic payments will automatically credited to the college from Kingdom Faith.
Ignite Bible College and Seminary 2024. All Rights Reserved.
4200 N Holton Street, Suite 110
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Email: info@ignitebiblecollege.info
Phone: 414-755-2092
Fax: 414-755-7006
Phone: 414-755-2092
Fax: 414-755-7006
Pastor by: Dr. Robert C. Randolph
We strive to be a church that wins the lost, by going to where they are and compelling them to come to Jesus. We are a church that loves on the lost, loves on our members, and loves our community!
Thank you for your input. We will use your feedback to improve IBC&S.
Ignite Bible College and Seminary. 2024. All Rights Reserved.